IMAHI is the organization for “homebirth midwives” in Israel.
IMAHI has been established by qualified and experienced midwives who are licensed by The Ministry of Health in Israel. Their goal is to prepare pregnant women and their families for a birth in their own home.
These midwives believe that the pregnant woman should be permitted to choose her nesting place where she will feel safe to birth her baby, and to choose who will assist her and care for her in this wonderful event. Birth is a natural process and the members of this unique group of midwives believe that for women who are classified as “low risk”, their births are a natural process and in most of the cases there is no need for intervention. They believe in a good prenatal follow-up, which will check for signs of complications that may arise. They believe in forming an environment of support, encouragement and love.
The IMAHI organization’s aim is to enable and encourage this process:
For the rights of women to choose their nesting place while maintaining the health and safety of the mother and her baby.
Enabling the rights of the newborn, to be born in a supportive healthy physical and mental environment, without being removed from its family.
To enable the birthing mother to have a spontaneous birth at home.
To reduce the amount of intervention.
To improve working relationships between the homebirth midwives and their women, and the hospital staff who are used as backups when needed.
To inform to the community of birthing mothers who are contemplating on birthing at home with an emphasis on “informed consent”.
To promote the organization and institutionalization of homebirths in the Health Services in Israel
To establish an Israeli database statistical reservoir of information on homebirths in Israel, as is accepted in all advanced countries in the world today.
To promote homebirth mothers to have proper prenatal care with a holistic approach and alternative medical care during labor and following the birth.
To promote the professional level of the homebirth midwives by inventing different essential courses to improve the quality of care and to maintain a high standard.
To establish a series of protocols for women and infants at low risk, birthing in a home environment, including:-
Medical situations that prevent receiving a birth at home.
The follow up of essential medical tests that must be carried out before a home birth.
Care that needs to be given during the labor and care given to the baby when born.
Situations requiring transfer to hospital during and after the birth process.
Follow up of postnatal care.
Registration and reporting.
Equipment required for the birth.
Professional liability insurance.
Included below is a list of licensed homebirth midwives in Israel.
The total number of midwives remains constant, varying between 16 and 18 – when new ones come, older ones leave. The life of a homebirth midwife is certainly not easy being on call 24/7, no Shabbat and no festivals, no days and no nights and many other personal renunciations but so right for her now. If we have forgotten any homebirth midwife or if there is a homebirth midwife who wishes to join us she is welcome to get in touch with us and add herself to the list and we shall be delighted to add her on.
This is the list of homebirth midwives, members of IMAHI
Ophrit Peck – from Gedera has natural birthing center. 0542346200.
Tami Tessler 0524700563.
Hilary Kirshenbaum from Kibbutz Urim in the south 0547776058 08-9920360.
Ronit Kopalis from Gan Yeshia, area Emek Hefer has a birthing house on her premises,0528491616 04-6258101 04-6258203.
Sarale Shepps Vinkler from Ein Ella, HaRimon 6, Hof HaCarmel, Haifa area 0528874500
Shane Berger from Omer Beersheva and the south 08-8596507.
Barbara Ben Ami, Jerusalem area, 02-6419659 0507874273.
Maya Notkin, from Moshav Nahalal, north area 077-3456507.
Tova Karni Jerusalem and Gush Dan area. 0546501007 02-5340065.
Mindy Levy – Agula, home birth midwife with a house to birth in. Bet Lechem Haglilit, northarea, or 0523763229 04-9835920.
Ilana Shemesh from Moshav Ishresh 53, Emek Sorek near Ramla, has a 0523388954 08-9231719
Naomi Noe from Hilla, 0544795241.
Anat Tel Oren from Modein, Meron Reut 7 432-71908, all around the center of Israel, 0544990754 08-9263707.
Michal Bonstein from Ramat HaSharon 47263 all central area, Rechov Vitkin 17, 0577447474, 03-5494475.
Ruth Zur from Hoshiya, northern area, 0507945279.
Rozi Arzi, Moshav Givat Yoav, from the Golan and the North, 0544742780